Ifivethetee-Minnesota Twins member sassy classy and a tad badassy signatures shirt

 The too-ambitious narrative presumes that because Harris has goals, she is devious and disloyal, just using Biden as a stepping-stone to her own eventual presidency. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Twins member sassy classy and a tad badassy signatures shirt Apart from…,I will love this fact that Bass reportedly does not have presidential dreams is considered a bonus. Bass’s “commitment could assuage concerns in the Biden camp that he might be overshadowed by a running mate positioning herself to succeed him,” the Times wrote, noting that Biden “is said to be focused on finding a running mate… who can be counted on not to stray from the urgent challenges facing the nation to pursue their own political priorities.” But for men, Biden included, serving the country as an effective V.P. and aspiring to higher office were not mutually exclusive. (Of course, Bass herself may be dropping the veepstakes, following coverage this weekend of favorable comments she made in the past about Fidel Castro.)

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